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I was in prison for 15 years and came out just looking for a job. I heard about Transformation Network and I discovered they have a program called New Steps that incorporated working as well as an action plan to help me move forward in life. For me it was like gaining a whole family, new brothers, and new sisters. I have never had support like this before.


When I came to Transformation Network, my status in life was in question. My questioning came because I had been sleeping in my car. I hit rock bottom. Because of pride, I endured the cold nights while sleeping in my car. People here have shown kindness, love, and respect to me. I love and appreciate them for having me, hearing me, and lifting me up.


I have been given a second change in my life thanks to Transformation Network. I was on a dark path and was not myself. I was cut off from others and living in my own little world. Through the ministry of Godly counseling and New Steps, I have been set free. I have gained new confidence in relating to others and learned new skills in my life journey.


I am 51 years old and this is the first time in my life that I have worked 4 months without missing a day of work. Because of New Steps, I am experiencing structure in my life and feel like I belong. Also, it has been good for my sobriety as well as helping me get my finances in order.


I had just been released from jail the week before, meaning I had no job, no support, and worst of all, no hope. I felt completely isolated in my struggles, overwhelmed with the stress, and fear of the future. God has truly transformed my heart, my mind, and my life entirely through the opportunities and support I've been given at Transformation Network.


Corporate Headquarters

1661 Cleveland Ave.
Ashland, OH 44805

We are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.





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