How to Get Your Temp-to-Hire People to Stay Permanently - Transformation Network

How to Get Your Temp-to-Hire People to Stay Permanently

How to Get Your Temp-to-Hire People to Stay Permanently
March 04, 2019

Finding and keeping quality workers can be a challenge, so when a temporary employee shows themselves to be a good fit for your company, you want to do whatever you can to keep them. Hiring a temporary worker not only saves you time and money from additional interviewing and training, but gives both your company and your new permanent employee the best opportunity to thrive.

Be a Good Manager

A temp position is often considered one long interview for a prospective employee. The same can be said for the manager, whose style and personality are on display in “real life.”

Although specific management styles can vary depending on the industry, company, and individual, all good managers share some common traits. They value teamwork over a top-down approach, encouraging two-way communication and positive interactions. They prioritize solving problems over placing blame, and they work to make sure their employees are learning, growing, and using their gifts to the fullest.

Share the Company

If you want to attract your temporary worker to your company, treat them as more than a temp. Sharing information about the company, such as its history, vision, and values, will help your prospective employee feel like they are part of a team. Even letting them in on some of the quirkier details of work culture, like break room etiquette and goofy inside jokes, can help them feel ingrained in the fabric of the company. The stronger the intellectual and emotional investment, the more they will want to continue to strengthen those bonds.

Encourage Relationships

Prospective employees are often encouraged to make themselves visible to their coworkers by introducing themselves and getting to know them. It can be hard for a temp to “put themselves out there,” but as a manager, you can facilitate the process by creating opportunities for interaction and collaboration. As soon as you notice that your temporary employee may be a great permanent fit, bring them in on meetings, put them on new projects, and increase their responsibilities so that their coworkers, too, can begin to express their desire to keep the temp for good.

Want to connect strong temp workers with your team? Call us or click here to learn more about Transformation Network’s services.

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